The shocking images of plastic waste in the ocean that have reached all our screens can seem far detached from the plastics we buy and use every day.
But did you know, that period products are the fifth most common item washed up on beaches across Europe? And it’s a plastic problem… Beyond the visible plastics of wrappers, backing strips and applicators, conventional period products can contain up to 90% plastic within their composition too.
Many tampons and pads get flushed down the toilet too. In the UK alone around 1.5 billion period products are flushed down the loo every single year! These “unflushables”, which also include wet wipes, block sewer pipes and create an overflow that escapes into our rivers and seas. These blockages also cost the water companies around £100 million every year – a cost we are paying through our water bills.
Each one of us will use on average 11,000 disposable period products in our lifetime. All that plastic waste eventually ends up in landfill, in our oceans, and in the bellies of marine creatures, upsetting whole ecosystems. Switching to the reusable Mooncup menstrual cup is one simple step to dramatically reduce the waste you produce.
Big changes start with small steps, and we all have the power to make a difference. At Mooncup Ltd. our mission from the start has been to offer a more sustainable alternative to disposable tampons and pads. And thanks to Mooncup users worldwide, over 3 billion fewer tampons and pads have ended up on our beaches or in a landfill since 2002.
Sustainability is at the core of everything we do. You could say that every hour is Earth Hour at Mooncup. So, this Earth Hour we have decided to do what we do best: spread the word about the lifestyle and business choices you can make to reduce our impact on the environment.
We of course encourage our team to take part in the big “switch off” at 8.30 pm on Saturday 25th March. We’ll join hundreds of millions of people around the world in turning off the lights for one hour, to symbolise our commitment to protecting the planet – our shared home.
Taking part in Earth Hour reminds us that even the smallest of actions can make a big difference to the future of our planet. Making small changes in our lives and sharing them with others helps to grow a movement. This is something that is very familiar to us: word-of-mouth recommendation has always been the key to the Mooncup menstrual cup moving from a ‘hippy’ alternative to the go-to period product.
Our lifestyle choices make up our environmental footprint – the impact we have on our planet. Individual actions may seem small but, collectively, they can make all the difference in the world. You can measure just how much environmental impact your lifestyle has with WWF’s My Footprint app.
Earth Hour is an invitation to review the choices we make. As consumers, we are constantly lured into buying more products and convinced that those we already own should be replaced by “new” and “improved” ones. The reusable Mooncup offers us an opportunity to step out of this constant consumerism in at least one area of our lives which is the very reason that so many love the product. On top of the environmental benefits, many #RealMooncupUsers tell us that making the switch has also made them feel empowered by the knowledge that they are being kinder to their body.
On Saturday 25th March we will turn off our lights for an hour. We might prepare for it by watching A Life on Our Planet by David Attenborough on Netflix or Wild Isles on iPlayer. Or we might even take the opportunity to turn off our screens and enjoy a little peace and quiet by candlelight.
Little ripples make big waves of change. We hope you join in too.
If you have any questions about the Mooncup, please feel free to contact us here.
Head to WWF’s website for more ideas for Earth Hour 2023.