You only need one Mooncup, regardless of your flow. And one menstrual cup will last you years
and years. All the while you’ll be saving the planet, one period at a time.
Approximately 500 periods in our lifetime.
6.5 years of menstruating.
An average of 11,000 disable products.
How much money can you save by switching to the Mooncup®?
In your lifetime you could save
That's the same as:
months of Netflix
takeaway lattes
months of gym membership
chocolate bars
How do we calculate this?
We are aware that all of our periods are different. Flows vary, as do the lengths of our periods. For this calculator we have used average figures and these assumptions:
- You have a 28-day cycle which means 13 periods a year.
- You will go through the menopause at 51 years old.
- You will use 22 disposable period products per cycle.
- The average price of a single use period product is £0.15.
The most sustainable menstrual health brand. Period.
Proud to be the highest scoring B Corp within single use & reusable period care.