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How 4 inspirational women practice self-love in their own unique ways

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How 4 inspirational women practice self-love in their own unique ways

Nadia Deen AKA the “orgasm whisperer” is the founder of AM: Appointment; an uncensored platform offering extensive advice and tips for women and people with vulvas on how to achieve their best orgasms during solo sexual play. Nadia’s mission is to explain how masturbation can be an important method of self-love for the modern 21st century woman.

On the night, she offered us her top tips for masturbation including sensible advice, such as simply scheduling in some time for a little self-loving and giving ourselves uninterrupted time to explore and get to know our bodies better.

Nadia’s open-hearted and straightforward approach to talking about masturbation is wonderfully refreshing, but more than that; it feels like it has the power to really tap into (and help to resolve) some women’s deep-seated self-consciousness around the topic. Her website AM Appointment uses the latest research to push back the taboo and empower the sexual independence of women everywhere.

With female sexual pleasure touted as the next big wellness trend, it feels like the time is now to address this major taboo, book a slot in the diary, find out what brings you pleasure!


Deborah James – @BowelBabe


Deborah James, who was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer two years ago, is working as a campaigner to raise awareness about the symptoms of bowel cancer, to help others identify the illness early on. She was a co-host of the top-of-the-charts BBC podcast: You, Me and the Big C and has written a book ‘FU Cancer’, about her experiences living with the disease – all in a bid to help others.

On top of this, the mum of two posts incredibly powerful images on her social media to remind people everywhere that looking healthy does not necessarily mean your body is  – and how important it is to look out for symptoms early on.

At the event we were totally blown away by Deborah’s strength to promote self-love to others at such a challenging time in her own life. Deborah shared how much a diagnosis of stage 4 cancer transforms all your relationships: and how that makes it all the more important to continue to be incorrigibly who you are. Looking totally stunning on the stage, in spite of being in a phase of aggressive cancer treatment which she explained was taking a toll on her appearance, she carefully explained that for her, self-love comes in the form of dressing beautifully and facing each day as it comes.

Her gorgeous Instagram feed is a testament to her breathtaking confidence. And while Deborah admits that some days can be totally sh*t, she encourages others to take the time to make themselves feel fabulous. She also advocates having that glass of champagne and treating yourself to a cosy night in watching cheesy movies, something that we whole-heartedly agree with!

She is a breathtaking example of self-love: she lives her life as fully as possible, while always being unapologetically herself. Perhaps it’s this well-deserved self-love that, in turn, makes her such an admirably kind and caring person…

Follow Deborah James on Instagram.

Dr Karen Gurney – The Sex Doctor

Dr Karen Gurney is a Clinical Psychologist, Psychosexologist & sex science geek. She is the Director at The Havelock Clinic in London (offering integrated services to resolve sexual problems) and she’s on a mission to help people have better sex!

At the event Dr Gurney took to the stage to speak all about the absolute necessity of self-love for a well-functioning relationship.  She explored that while self-love is a fact that many of us know and understand, it can be challenging to put into practice in every day life.

Dr Gurney, who is the Hotbed Collective’s resident psychologist, explored how taking the time to practice self-love will lead to more fulfilling relationships in the long run. She also discussed how, as a single person, focusing on yourself can improve your life exponentially.

Her soothing and reassuring approach left me feeling super reflective and ready to put her words into practice. I really recommend listening to her speaking on all the issues covered in The Hotbed Collective podcast.

Dr Karen Gurney is doing fantastic work by talking about self-love in the context of relationships.


Karen Hobbs – Comedian & Campaigner 

The night was brought to its climax ? with the hilarious comedian and public speaker- campaigner Karen Hobbs, who works for the Eve Appeal foundation. Karen, who recently featured on Ch4s documentary “100 Vulvas”, spends her time smashing the stigma that surrounds gynae cancer, while simultaneously making people laugh till their sides hurt.
And what an effective combination it is!

Karen graced the stage to explain how, at 24 when she was diagnosed with cervical cancer, her world was turned upside-down. 

“Self-love” for Karen Hobbs, is all about continuing her life as normal, while also raising awareness for others.

She says she tries:

 “to live my life as ‘normal’ and try my best to not let the fact that I have or had cancer cast a permanent shadow over my life.”

Karen Hobbs’ set ended with her showing us all a 2-foot-tall photograph of her vulva. Just one of the wonderful ways she intends to banish the shame and embarrassment about this part of our bodies.

In a recent interview with Huff Post she described the experience of being photographed for Laura Dodsworth’s 100 Vulvas. In response to the question “Why did you do it?”, she answered:

“To reclaim the part of my body that almost killed me and that had been so medicalised for so long – to choose to do something really deliberate and out there – was a way to take back control.”

Karen Hobbs ended the night on an absolute high! A 2-foot high to be precise ?

Check her out and get to a gig to watch her if you can 🙂

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