Favourite pair of pants stained? Before you give up and throw them out, we’ve got you. In our handy guide, we’ll reveal just how you can remove period stains from your pants…
Whether it’s a bit of spotting or a serious spillage, our remüvie Intimate Stain Remover is here to help. Whilst we may not be able to erase the memory of your worst period leak, we can help "remüvie" any reminders of it on your favourite pants.
Menstrual blood is on the acidic side and its consistency can vary hugely. First rinse the stain in cold water and do your best to rub off any clots or bits of hard dried blood. Once you only have the stain left apply remüvie directly to the stain, leave for a few seconds then dab. If you are tackling an old stain, it can help to add some elbow grease at this stage- making sure that remüvie is really rubbed in. Once you have done all you can pop your pants in the wash or wash them by hand with some detergent.
Vaginal discharge is perfectly normal. You might notice that your pants have started to become discoloured - looking bleached- over time. This is because vaginal discharge is acidic meaning it naturally bleaches your underwear.
Sometimes a quick rinse in cold water after wear is enough to avoid the acidity penetrating the material. However, as with many other stains we recommend using a stain remover like remüvie as soon as you notice the stain, as a preventative measure.
If you do experience vaginal discharge regularly, it might be worth opting for pantyliners- our 100% organic cotton breathable liners are hypoallergenic and plastic-free, perfect for everyday wear.
Let’s be honest. Skid marks happen, especially if you struggle with IBS or you’ve just had a baby. What’s good to know is that they aren’t as hard to get off as you think. First things first, soak your pants in cold water. This will prevent the stain from setting- which it might if you use hot water to begin with. Remove any lumps or residue by scrubbing.
Next, remove the pants from the water and spray remüvie on the patch. Leave to work for a few seconds then dab gently with a damp cloth until the stain starts to clear. Finally, place your underwear in the washing machine with your usual detergent or hand wash as you would normally.
4. Urine StainsIt happens! There are many reasons why incontinence happens - ranging from a weak pelvic floor to laughing too hard. Many find that post pregnancy the distance to the toilet feels suddenly a lot longer than it used to. You need about five trips to the toilet before bed (plus that one in the middle of the night) AND any sudden movements can trigger a little trickle.
Wee stains are most annoying because they can be a little smelly, but all in all they are pretty easy to deal with and on some fabrics not even that noticeable. We recommend rinsing in cold water and dabbing remüvie generously onto the stain. Wash on a higher temperature wash and add some fabric conditioner to banish any unwanted smells.
It happens to the best of us, but unfortunately this is rarely fully reversible. Some people will tell you to use bleach - this isn’t great for the environment or your skin so we say avoid! Key thing here is to embrace the pink pants and perhaps buy a whites/colours laundry basket to avoid it happening again!