As more and more individuals are speaking up about their PCOS, this may be an acronym you are familiar with. But what exactly is PCOS?
Well, read on as our Mooncup® Advisor Cathy gives us the low down on polycystic ovary syndrome, and what the early signs of PCOS to look out for are.
To start with, for those of you that might not have heard of this condition before, what is PCOS?
PCOS is a common condition that affects how the ovaries work. Although it’s difficult to know exactly how many people have PCOS, the estimate is that a whopping one in ten people in the UK may have it (providing they have ovaries that is!). However, more than half of them may not have any symptoms at all.
To understand PCOS properly, we must first know what the functions of a healthy ovary are. So here’s a biology 101 pitstop for you all:
According to the NHS website, the three main features of PCOS are:
To be given a PCOS diagnosis, you generally need to have at least two of these features. Not everyone with PCOS will have all three.
Now that we all have a degree in biology, it’s time to visit what may cause PCOS and how it might affect you. Pitstop number two…
Unfortunately, it isn’t known what the exact cause of PCOS is, but there is evidence that it can run in families. What we do know is that people who have PCOS often have abnormal hormone levels.
Many people with PCOS are resistant to the hormone insulin, which controls blood sugar levels. This means their bodies have to produce more insulin to overcome this. Additionally, people with PCOS can have altered levels of other hormones, including testosterone.
These altered hormone levels can then lead to a range of symptoms which I have gone into further below.
The signs of PCOS differ from person to person, and can vary in severity too. Some people experience all signs, some only a handful. Not very helpful in terms of quantifying, I am aware!
Signs of PCOS can include:
While weight gain can be a symptom of PCOS, being overweight can unfortunately also lead to further increased insulin resistance. This in turn can make the symptoms of PCOS worse.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for PCOS. However, if the signs of PCOS are noticed, the symptoms can be treated. There are many different treatments for PCOS symptoms depending on the type and severity of symptoms. These treatments range from lifestyle changes to laparoscopic surgery.
There are also medicines available to treat some PCOS symptoms, such as excessive hair growth.
So, there you have it, a whistle stop tour of signs of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and what to look out for. While I may have written this blog in a light-hearted style, I assure you that having PCOS is no joke! For some people it is a daily struggle to deal with its signs and symptoms. If you are suspect you may have PCOS, it’s always best to have a conversation with a healthcare professional.
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