Can you biohack your menstrual cycle? | Guest blog by FEWE
We've teamed up with our friends at FEWE to talk about biohacking your menstrual cycle and how leveraging your hormones can really make a difference to how you look, feel, think & perform. In this blog, FEWE take us through the menstrual cycle phases and what you can do to feel at your very best...
Hormonal fluctuations in your menstrual cycle can affect your energy, mood, sleep, brain function, weight, sex drive, pain levels, digestion and overall well being, so making sure you’re in tune with the different phases can make a big difference to your life.
Phase one | Menstruation
During this phase, your oestrogen and progesterone levels are low and you may be feeling tired, withdrawn and emotional. This is the time for some radical self-care!
- Diet: Focus on warming soups, stews, dark leafy greens, root vegetables and healthy comfort foods. Foods rich in iron will help to replace any iron lost during your period (eg meat, dairy, bone broth, beans, legumes).
- Exercise: Your energy may be low so don’t overdo things in this phase, focus on gentle walks, yoga and stretching.
- Activities: Slow down, schedule in some self-care like a massage, or facial. Sleep as much as you can (try a nap when you’re tired) and spend some time reflecting or planning by writing in a journal or doing some meditation. Try not to plan any demanding work activities.
- Products: Use FEWE’s Take a Deep Breath oral spray to help fight stress tiredness and mood swings in addition to FEWE’s Don’t Cramp My Style oral spray to relieve discomfort when cramps strike.
Phase two | Follicular
In this phase, oestrogen is rising so your energy and mood should start to improve.
- Diet: focus on protein and cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale) for good detoxification, and seeds like flaxseed and pumpkin to support oestrogen balance. B vitamins and Vitamin E help to support a healthy ovulation.
- Exercise: Your energy is good so this is a great time to up the intensity and try some HIIT or heavier weights. Try something new!
- Activities: You may feel more sociable in this phase, so book in time with your friends and family. Plan for your most difficult work tasks (the ones you’ve been putting off!), problem solving and productivity are going to be higher in this phase.
- Products: Spritz some of FEWE’s Eau So Happy revolutionary mood-boosting cologne for a boost of serotonin.
Phase three | Ovulation
In your Ovulation phase, your oestrogen is peaking as you ovulate. This is a very short phase but you should feel on top of the world.
- Diet: Focus on foods rich in B vitamins (meat, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, grains) and Vitamin E help to support a healthy ovulation.
- Exercise: Your energy is still great so keep going with the more intense exercise and maybe a group class for extra social connection and show off your glow!
- Activities: You’re in the mood for love! If you’ve got a partner, schedule a date night. If not, go on a new date or meet up with friends for a fun night out.
- Products: FEWE’s I Touch Myself vulva serum is perfect for this phase as vulva dryness is common during this phase. With a gentle botanical blend, it’s designed to gently alleviate and calm symptoms of discomfort, irritation and itchiness.
Phase four | Luteal
In your Luteal phase, your progesterone starts to rise as oestrogen drops, you may get some PMS symptoms as you head towards the end of your cycle.
- Diet: Load up on healthy fats and protein to stave off cravings, eat plenty of fibre and hydrate well. Here you might want to get your sunflower and sesame seeds in to support progesterone balance. Also focus on foods rich in magnesium like green leafy veg, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate to help with any excess stress or pain. Supplements can help too.
- Exercise: Your energy may dip so take it easier on the exercise, and be kind to yourself. Long baths with magnesium rich Epsom Salts are great in this phase.
- Activities: Start to wind down the social and heavy work stuff, make sure you get enough good quality sleep and relaxation. Deep breathing exercises can help to relieve tension and stress (try this; inhale for 4, hold for 7, exhale for 8 – repeat 5 times).
- Products: Use FEWE’s Take a Deep Breath oral spray to help with relaxation, FEWE’s Don’t Cramp My Style oral spray for any pre period cramping and FEWE’s Calm Balm body stick to dissipate discomfort whenever and wherever it strikes.
This is a general guide and everyone is unique as are their cycles so the most important thing to do is listen to your body and tune in to what you need at any point in your cycle. Respect that your body has a powerful inbuilt natural cyclical rhythm. The best thing you can do is to track your cycle to better understand how your hormones are impacting your day to day mood and wellbeing. Patterns will emerge and you can use that data to plan ahead, maximising your wellbeing at every point in the cycle.
Head to for more cycle education and find the perfect products to support you all cycle long.