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10 times Mooncup users made us laugh, cry and go aawww

Periods 101
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10 times Mooncup users made us laugh, cry and go aawww

20 years ago we created Mooncup® – the world’s first silicone period cup. Since then, the Mooncup secret has spread like wildfire. Today, over 2 million people have made a sustainable swap to the Mooncup.

We love our Mooncup community. We know that we wouldn’t be where we are without you, spreading the word about the Mooncup and being committed to positive change alongside us. So there is no better way of celebrating our big birthday than remembering some of our favourite moments with #RealMooncupUsers.

1. The 14,000 pet names you lovingly gave to your vaginas

Whatever you call your vagina, we think it deserves some love. Love your vagina was our first major advertising campaign back in 2010. Beautiful posters with some of the pet names you call your vaginas were plastered around the London Underground.

‘Vajajay’, ‘Coochie’, ‘Lady Garden’, ‘Bajingo’ and ‘Fru Fru’, were some of the 14,000 names submitted. To follow up our poster campaign we released a song featuring 25 different names including ‘Supersonic Pocket Rocket’ and ‘Little Man in a Canoe’. Watch it here:

2. All the Glastonbury chats

Glastonbury holds a special place in our hearts. There have been so many extraordinary chats for us to enjoy with curious, open-minded  women and young girls, men, trans people, non-binary folk, all in the mix. They were called by the toilet stickers to find out more and have an intimate, funny, taboo-busting and shame-free chat. It’s been a real privilege.

The video below is from 2009 featuring our brilliant founder, Su and some lovely customers.

3. “My sister’s Mooncup® saved her life”

Some years back, Ali contacted us. She said that the Mooncup®️ had saved her sister Jo’s life by helping with the early detection of her ovarian cancer.

Jo had made the switch to the Mooncup at the recommendation of her sister. She had always had a heavy period, but when she started using the Mooncup, she realised just how much she was bleeding.

So, I decided to start using my Mooncup and got a bit of a shock. I was constantly emptying it. It was filling rapidly, and it got to the point where I still had to wear sanitary pad so that I didn’t leak. I was bleeding the same amount in one morning that other women bleed in the whole of their period. I had never been armed with information like this before. This information helped me later when I came to see a gynae consultant.

In 2020 we got in touch with Jo to hear her full story. You can now read her inspiring, rollercoaster story, which she hopes will empower others with the knowledge to recognise the early signs of ovarian cancer, and to spread the word.

Quote about ovarian cancer Mooncup

4. Your beautiful thank you cards and messages

“A complete game changer with my heavy period.”

“I would like to thank you so much for your email and the detailed advice – it was the best and most informative customer support I have ever received! “

We know that – as with anything new – it may take a little time to get the knack of using a menstrual cup. Unused menstrual cups end up as waste, which is one of the reasons why we offer our Mooncup®️ Advice Service.

We’re so proud of our unique customer service. All our Mooncup Advisors are medically trained nurses or midwives, and they are happy to help with any Mooncup-related questions. And you have told us many times over just how much you appreciate it! This beautiful hand-painted thank you card hangs framed on the wall of our office in Brighton.

Thank you card to Mooncup

5. When you got creative!

We love it when the Mooncup gets your creative juices flowing. Take Sophia Sandler, an art student and #RealMooncupUser. She started using the Mooncup in projects and sent us some of her work. Her idea was to demystify the concept by creating little drawings (like the ones below) replacing familiar items with her Mooncup. We love them!

Mooncup art by Sophia Sandler

6. When we chatted with Jo, one of our OG Mooncup users

Over 2 million people have made a sustainable swap to the Mooncup since we started. Jo from Brighton is one of the OG #RealMooncupUsers, having ditched tampons and pads way back in 2002!

To mark our 20th birthday, together with our charity partner City to Sea, we met with Jo to talk all things periods. What motivated her to make the switch, what the reactions were when she first told people about the Mooncup, and how the conversation about plastic in periods has moved on in the past 20 years. Watch our chat below:

7. When you revealed all the nicknames you’ve given to your Mooncup

If we ever wanted to rebrand the Mooncup®️, we know where to turn.

What do you call your Mooncup

You have told us that some of the nicknames you call your Mooncup are: chuff chalice, foof trumpet, fud cup, womb urn, vag vessel, my blood letting chalice of doom, red wine glass, Mr. mooniverse,  moon mug, vampires shotglass, tampot, jam jar – and the list goes on.

Make sure to join our Facebook community group to take part in conversations like this (and slightly more practical ones too!)

8. When you wax poetic

Poems, we’ve had a few. Such is the power of Mooncup!

One of our favourites is this one, in “Fresh Prince” style by Eira Marasco. You can’t help but sing along!
Fresh Prince style Mooncup poem

9. The #RealMooncupUser campaign

We know that there is no such thing as a typical Mooncup user: each one of us is unique, united by a mission to have a more positive, healthy and eco-friendly period.
In 2019, we put a call out on social media and asked you to share your experiences with the Mooncup. We were blown away by the response. So many of you got in touch.
We wanted to shine a light on you – the real Mooncup users. So we got in touch with six, whose stories had really inspired us and invited them to Brighton for a weekend photo and video shoot. It was like getting together with old friends. One of our favourite videos is this one, but do make sure to head to our youtube to watch their personal stories!

10. When Gwendoline Christie from GOT told us about a 9-metre-tall Mooncup painting

Back in 2020 Gwendoline Christie, the iconic actor (and #RealMooncupUser it seems!) best known for playing Brienne of Tarth in Game of Thrones, tagged us in the most dazzling piece of art on Instagram. A quick Google revealed that it was created by Scottish artist Lucy McKenzie, and that it was on display at Museum Brandhorst in Munich.

It turned out, the painting was originally created in 2012. How had we not come across it before?! We got hold of Lucy to find out the story behind her ‘Mooncup’ triptych. You can read all about her thoughts on art, feminism and why she created a her stunning 9-metre tall Mooncup painting here.

Lucy McKenzie: Mooncup

We’ll never tire of hearing from you, and what a difference the Mooncup has made in your lives. Make sure to tag us on social @mooncupltd and use #RealMooncupUser. It makes our day, every time. 

Find out more about the Mooncup and get yours here.


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