
Got a question about Mooncups? You're in the right place. Find out everything you need to know about our reusable menstrual cups.

How to Use Your Mooncup

The Mooncup menstrual cup is designed to form a light seal with the walls of the vagina and not sit over the cervix itself.

It needs to be placed as low as it will comfortably sit in the vagina. If any of the stem is sticking out of the vagina or causing any irritation or discomfort, you will need to gradually trim it.

It is important that there is space between the circular rim (top) of the Mooncup and the cervix.

The menstrual blood will flow down from the cervix and be collected by the Mooncup.

Using a period cup is easy once you’ve got the hang of it. Here’s a quick guide to using a period cup:

  1. Wash your hands and get into a comfortable position.
  2. Fold the cup, our favourite is the Punchdown or the C/U fold.
  3. Hold it firmly with your finger and thumb while keeping it folded. With the other hand, part the labia (folds of skin around the vagina), find the entrance to the vagina and gently insert the cup rim-first into the vaginal canal. Ensure that it is open and as low as it will comfortably sit.
  4. Slide the cup up and back aiming towards your tailbone and not directly up until the body of the cup is inside. The Mooncup® is designed to be worn as low as it can comfortably sit in the vagina. There must be a gap between the rim of the Mooncup and the cervix.
  5. Check the cup is in place by running a finger along the inside of your vagina up to where the rim of the menstrual cup meets your vagina. Follow the rim and ensure the whole rim is open.

The Mooncup® menstrual cup needs to be removed and emptied every 4-8 hours. Here’s our guide to removing your Mooncup®:

  1. Wash your hands with warm water and soap and then rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  2. Choose a position that’s comfortable for you such as sitting on the toilet or squatting.
  3. Break the seal by gently squeezing the base of the cup or insert a finger alongside the Mooncup® to release the seal.
  4. Keeping the seal released, gently remove the cup. 
  5. Angle the Mooncup® cup slightly sideways to remove half of the rim before angling it the other way to release the other half will help your Mooncup to remain upright with the menstrual fluid contained inside.

You will need to empty your Mooncup® at least every 4-8 hours, depending on your menstrual flow.

Our recommendation to empty and rinse the Mooncup® every 4-8 hours is based upon safe practice for users and has nothing to do with the capacity of the Mooncup menstrual cup vs. other period cup brands.

This recommendation is based on safety and hygiene reasons: to limit the risk of infections for our Mooncup® customers. It is also important to note that some regulatory bodies, such as the Therapeutic Goods Administration in Australia (TGA) and ANSES in France, state that a menstrual cup should not be worn for longer than 8 hours.

As the Mooncup® menstrual cup holds three times more than a regular tampon, most Mooncup® users find they need to empty their Mooncup® less often than they previously had to change tampons or pads.

You can wear the Mooncup® for up to 8 hours, emptying and rinsing it before going to bed and then again as soon as you wake up.

If you have heavy periods you may need to empty your Mooncup® more often.

Using your Mooncup® in a public toilet is easy:

  • Wash your hands at the sink and then either
  • Use the Mooncup® Cleaning Pot and fill with some water, empty your Mooncup® into the toilet bowl, pop into the Mooncup® Cleaning Pot and gently shake. Rinse with a small amount of water and reinsert.
  • Take a small bottle of water into the toilet cubicle with your, empty your Mooncup® into the toilet bowl, rinse with a small amount of water and reinsert.
  • Wipe the Mooncup® with toilet paper and reinsert.

Important: When you get home and empty your Mooncup®, ensure to give it a thorough clean.

Remember, because the Mooncup® menstrual cup tends to hole more menstrual blood than tampons or pads you may not need to empty and reinsert it as often as you would change your pads or tampons.

The simple answer is yes, you should not need to remove the Mooncup® menstrual cup before passing urine (weeing) or opening your bowels (pooing).

The Mooncup® is designed to be worn as low in the vagina as it can comfortably sit, with a clear space between the cup and the cervix. It is then kept in place by the pelvic floor muscles and a seal that forms between the cup rim and the vaginal wall. As such, on rare occasions the sensation of a bowel movement whilst wearing a cup can cause discomfort for some people as the pelvic floor muscles are interconnected. Some people find it easier to remove their Mooncup® before and after a bowel movement, but this isn’t a requirement.

If you have any discomfort or difficulty going to the toilet while wearing the Mooncup®, take a break from using it and speak with a doctor for further medical advice.

You just need one Mooncup® for every day of your period. The Mooncup® is great for lighter days: as it’s non-absorbent it won’t cause dryness.

The Mooncup® menstrual cup holds three times the fluid of a tampon, making it great on heavier days, too.

The Mooncup® is designed to be worn as low in the vagina as it can comfortably sit, with a clear space between the cup and the cervix. It is then kept in place by the pelvic floor muscles and a seal that forms between the cup rim and the vaginal wall.

Just like with anything, once it’s full, it’s full. So, if you were to fill it within 12 hours, you may notice some leaks. The Mooncup® can hold between 18-32ml (and you only lose around 20-90ml during your whole period) so most people will find they won’t fill it in the 8 hours you can wear a period cup for. However, if you’re someone who experiences heavy flows, you may want to empty your cup a little more often to ensure it doesn’t overfill.

Congratulations on taking the leap!

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve just started your periods or you’ve been menstruating for years, the Mooncup® menstrual cup – like anything new – may take a little time to get used to. But once you’ve got the hang of it you won’t want to be without it.

If you use tampons, cast your mind back to the first time – it may have taken a few attempts to get the position right, to feel comfortable with it in, and to know when to take it out.   The same goes for the Mooncup®.

Here’s our step-by-step guide to getting started with the Mooncup® menstrual cup:


We have the Mooncup Beginner (available in 3 sizes) and the Mooncup Original (available in two sizes). 


Before you first use your Mooncup® menstrual cup , you can boil or clean it thoroughly with sterilising solution or tablets. 


Your Mooncup® menstrual cup will last for years so there’s no rush to get it right. Try it first when you’re relaxed and at home during the daytime.

Some prefer to practise inserting and removing it when they’re not on their period.

You may get the knack first time but on average it can take up to 3 periods to get used to it. If you’re feeling frustrated or tense just put it away and come back to it another time. When positioned correctly the Mooncup® should feel comfortable.

While you gain confidence, you can wear a back-up pad. You might get some leaking at the beginning while you’re practising.


It may sound obvious but some Mooncup® users are so keen to get started that they forget to read the handy Usage Guide that comes with the Mooncup® menstrual cup. It covers pretty much everything and includes clear diagrams and some troubleshooting tips.

If you’re having problems, get in touch with us - we’re always happy to help!

Once the Mooncup® Original is positioned as low as it will comfortably sit, the end of the stem should sit just inside your vagina.

If you find that, when positioned correctly, the Mooncup® Original is uncomfortable when sitting or walking, or pinches the vaginal opening, then you probably need to trim the stem a little bit at a time.

Vaginal length varies, so the stem of the Mooncup® Original is designed to be trimmed if needed. 

Make sure you feel confident with the position and the removal of your Mooncup® before trimming the stem. Practise removing your Mooncup® Original without using the stem before trimming it.

Some users find that they need to remove the stem completely.

Important: The Mooncup® Beginner has been designed with a shorter stem, so cannot be trimmed.

The Mooncup® menstrual cup is designed to form a light seal with the walls of the vagina and not sit over the cervix itself.

It needs to be placed as low as it will comfortably sit in the vagina. If any of the Mooncup® Original stem is sticking out of the vagina or causing any irritation or discomfort, you will need to gradually trim it (see Should I trim the stem of my Mooncup? for more information). Remember, only the Mooncup® Original has a stem that can be trimmed if necessary.

It is important that there is space between the circular rim (top) of the Mooncup® and the cervix.

The menstrual blood will flow down from the cervix and be collected by the Mooncup®.

Yes, the Mooncup® menstrual cup is great to use while doing sport and exercise.

We would always recommend emptying your Mooncup® before exercising, and we also recommend getting used to using the Mooncup® before relying upon it during exercise.  Some users choose to also use a panty-liner while gaining confidence.

Most importantly, if you experience any leakage when not exercising, we would recommend that you resolve this first.

Yes, you can go swimming while wearing the Mooncup®.

You wear the Mooncup® menstrual cup completely internally, so you don’t need to worry about a string hanging out, and it holds more than a tampon, so you may be able to swim for longer.

We would always recommend emptying your Mooncup® prior to swimming, and getting used to the Mooncup® before you rely upon it for swimming.

Most importantly, if you have any leakage when not swimming, or if your Mooncup® fills up with water after having a bath, we would recommend that you resolve this first.

This is a question we get asked more often than you might imagine. As the Mooncup® collects the menstrual blood rather than absorbing it, many of you want to know what happens to it when you turn upside down (or adopt an ‘inverted posture‘- raising your pelvis above your upper body) or lie down.

You might not think you’re in the habit of turning upside down but if you do yoga, pilates or gymnastics, for example, then you probably do it fairly regularly.

However, there is an ongoing debate about whether you should adopt any inverted postures during menstruation. For example, some believe that shoulder stands in yoga help to relieve period pain. Others say you should not do this posture when menstruating because of the potential for retrograde flow (back flow).

The concerns are about staying in inverted postures for quite a long time, and even then the retrograde theory is just that, a theory, it has not been shown to be true. In the end, it’s a personal decision based on your opinion.

Caring for Your Mooncup

If you look after your Mooncup® menstrual cup and clean it well, it should last for years and years.

First use and between periods
Before you use your Mooncup® menstrual cup for the first time and after you’ve finished your period, we recommend giving it a thorough clean. To do this you can:

  • Boil it immersed in water for 5 to 7 minutes (in a pan you use just for this purpose)
  • Use sterilising solution or tablets. These are commonly used to sterilise baby equipment. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for dilution and soak for the minimum recommended time. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  • Using the Mooncup® Cleaning Pot

    How to clean your Mooncup® during your period
    When a sink is at hand:
    Wash your Mooncup® menstrual cup with water and mild, non-perfumed soap. Always rinse it well with water after using soap as any traces left on the Mooncup® may cause irritation.

    In public toilets or at work:
  • Wash your hands at the sink and then either
  • Use the Mooncup® Cleaning Pot and fill with some water, empty your Mooncup® into the toilet bowl, pop into the Mooncup® Cleaning Pot and gently shake. Rinse with a small amount of water and reinsert.
  • Take a small bottle of water into the toilet cubicle with your, empty your Mooncup® into the toilet bowl, rinse with a small amount of water and reinsert.
  • Wipe the Mooncup® with toilet paper and reinsert.

Important: When you get home and empty your Mooncup®, ensure to give it a thorough clean.

Remember, because the Mooncup® menstrual cup tends to hole more menstrual blood than tampons or pads you may not need to empty and reinsert it as often as you would change your pads or tampons.

When travelling:
Follow the same instructions as above but always make sure you use drinking water to clean your Mooncup®.

Petrol based substances such as Vaseline.
Oil based substances like essential oils or coconut oil.
Harsh cleaners.
Strong or scented soaps.

Keeping the holes clear
The holes in your Mooncup® menstrual cup need to be completely clear to get the best deal possible between the Mooncup® and the walls of the vagina. If the holes become blocked with menstrual blood/debric they will need to be cleared.

How to unblock the holes:
Fill the Mooncup® with water and force the water out of the holes by blocking the entrance of the collecting cup with the palm of your hand. Alternatively, you can gently clean the holes using a small brush like a toothbrush.

When you have finished your period, dry your Mooncup® thoroughly and store in the breathable, organic cotton which it came in.

Do not store your Mooncup® menstrual cup in a plastic bag, sealed container or the Mooncup® Cleaning Pot.

If you look after your Mooncup® and follow our cleaning and storage instructions, your Mooncup® will last for years and years.

If there’s any change in the material or shape of your Mooncup®, if it splits or becomes sticky, then it will need replacing.

There may be some natural staining over time. This does not mean the Mooncup® is no longer hygienic and it does not affect how it works.

If you want to remove any staining, soak the Mooncup® in a sterilising fluid (used for sterilising baby equipment). Do this for the minimum recommended tie, following the manufacturer’s dilution guidelines. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and then you’re ready to use your Mooncup® again.

We recommend that you do not use oil-based substances with the Mooncup® as they can weaken the material over time. Water-based lubricants or tap water is fine.

When looked after correctly and as per our guidelines, your Mooncup should last years and years. Over time there is a natural discoloration that occurs when using the Mooncup menstrual cup; this discoloration should not affect its use.

If you notice any changes in its appearance, texture or flexibility, then get in touch with us and we'll do our best to help further.

Unfortunately, there are not currently any facilities in the UK (where Mooncup Ltd is based) for recycling medical grade silicone.

If you prefer, here at Mooncup HQ we’re happy to receive any unwanted Mooncups and dispose of them for you. If you’d like us to do this for you, please get in touch with us!

Choosing a Mooncup

The Mooncup® Original and Mooncup® Beginner are different in a few ways.

The Mooncup® Original is the world’s first medical grade silicone menstrual cup. Tried and trusted since 2002 by millions around the world, the Mooncup menstrual cup offers an end to the waste, discomfort and expense of disposable sanitary protection. 

Our Mooncup Beginner has been designed specifically for those just starting out on their reusable period care journey after receiving feedback from our customers they would like another choice. It's made from a softer medical grade silicone, so it's incredibly flexible (it folds up to 7 ways!) and soft to the touch. It's also been designed with a Pebble Pull, so the stem doesn't need to be removed. 

They also differ slightly in size and shape. Here's the exact measurements and capacities of both:

  • The Mooncup Original size A holds up to 29.3ml. of fluid and is 46mm. in diameter and 50mm. in length.
  • The Mooncup Original size B holds up to 28.8ml. of fluid and is 43mm. in diameter and 50mm. in length. 
  • The Mooncup Beginner Size A holds up to 32ml. of fluid and is 46mm. in diameter and 66mm. in length. 
  • The Mooncup Beginner Size B holds up to 24ml. of fluid and is 42mm. in diameter and 61mm. in length.
  • The Mooncup Beginner Size Teen holds up to 18ml. of fluid and is 38mm. in diameter and 56mm. in length.

The best size Mooncup® for you depends on your childbearing history and age, as these can affect your pelvic floor tone. Menstrual flow is not related to which size you opt for.

You can choose the best size Mooncup® for you following these simple guidelines:

  • If you’re aged 18 and under: Mooncup® Beginner Size Teen.
  • If you’re aged between 18 and 30 and/or not given birth vaginally: Mooncup® Original or Beginner Size B.
  • If you’re aged over 30 and/or given birth vaginally: Mooncup® Original or Beginner Size A.


Mooncup Original

  • The Mooncup Original size A holds up to 29.3ml. of fluid and is 46mm. in diameter and 50mm. in length.
  • The Mooncup Original size B holds up to 28.8ml. of fluid and is 43mm. in diameter and 50mm. in length. 

Remember, the Mooncup® Original has a stem that’s 21mm long, you can trim this to a length that’s right for you.

Mooncup Beginner

  • The Mooncup Beginner Size A holds up to 32ml. of fluid and is 46mm. in diameter and 66mm. in length. 
  • The Mooncup Beginner Size B holds up to 24ml. of fluid and is 42mm. in diameter and 61mm. in length.
  • The Mooncup Beginner Size Teen holds up to 18ml. of fluid and is 38mm. in diameter and 56mm. in length.

Remember, the Mooncup® Beginner has a ‘Pebble Pull’ stem that does not require trimming. 

Both Mooncup® Original and Mooncup® Beginner are made from medical grade silicone. They are latex-free and contain no BPA, phthalates, plastic, bleaches or toxins. It is not the same type of silicone that is used for breast implants.

A Mooncup® holds 3 times more blood than a regular tampon.*

Mooncup® Original
Size A: 29.3 ml to the rim
Size B: 28.8 ml to the rim

Mooncup® Beginner
Size A: 32ml to the rim
Size B: 24ml to the rim
Size Teen: 18ml to the rim

You still need to empty your Mooncup® every 4-8 hours depending on your menstrual flow.

*Tampons can hold anything from 6 to 18 grams depending on the absorbency than you choose (Regular to Super Plus Extra). The absorption capacity of a tampon is measured in grams (g), while the capacity of a menstrual cup is measured in millilitres (ml). One g is equal to one ml.

Mooncup® Original and Mooncup® Beginner differ slightly in capacity. Here’s how much blood they can hold:

Mooncup® Original
Size A: 29.3 ml to the rim
Size B: 28.8 ml to the rim

Mooncup® Beginner
Size A: 32ml to the rim
Size B: 24ml to the rim
Size Teen: 18ml to the rim

No, you only need one Mooncup®. Menstrual cups are designed to be reused time and time again. Just be sure to wash it every time you empty it and sterilise between periods.

Yes, as a business we are Vegan Society certified, that means our products are cruelty-free and vegan friendly.

No, your Mooncup® cannot get lost inside of you.

Your vagina is a closed space that ends at the cervix, which is too small for a Mooncup® to pass through. The Mooncup® is designed to be positioned low in the vagina as it can comfortably sit, with a clear space between the cup and the cervix. It is then kept in place by the pelvic floor muscles and a seal that forms between the cup rim and the vaginal wall.

You’ve probably heard that switching to a Mooncup® can save you money, but calculating the exact savings might surprise you. Throughout a lifetime, the average person has around 500 periods, which equates to about 6.5 years of menstruating. During this time, they will use around 11,000 single-use products, many of which will end up in landfill waste and marine pollution.

With Mooncup®, you only need just one cup regardless of your flow. So, if the average person spends around £10 a month on single-use period care, this amounts to £120 per year. Over a decade you could end up saving over £1,000. Your Mooncup® will pay for itself within just 6-8 months.

Check out our Mooncup Money Saving Calculator to find out how much you could save!

You can buy your Moonup® right here by visiting our product pages or if you’d rather purchase in store you can from:

  • Holland & Barrett
  • Boots (Moonup® Original only)

Using a Mooncup® can feel different from using pads or tampons, and might take a little getting used to at first. However, that doesn’t mean it’s messier! When inserted and removed properly, a Mooncup can be just as clean to use as other period care.

A Mooncup is designed to collect rather than absorb menstrual fluid, which means it typically doesn’t leak when placed correctly. It forms a seal with the vaginal walls to prevent spillage. Most Mooncuppers find that with a bit of practice, inserting and removing their cup becomes a quick and straightforward process. During removal, it’s important to keep your Mooncup upright to avoid spilling the contents.

Even cleaning your Mooncup can be mess free thanks to our Mooncup Cleaning Pot!

Yes, you can absolutely use a Mooncup even if you’ve just started your period! We now have the Mooncup Beginner in a Teen size that’s been designed for newbies under the age of 18.

Remember, it’s important to read the instructions carefully and spend some time getting familiar with the process of insertion, removal and cleaning. Starting a Mooncup from an earlier age can help build comfort and confidence when it comes to managing your menstrual health from the beginning.

Mooncup Troubleshooting

The most common reasons for leakage are:

  • wearing the Mooncup® too high in the vagina
  • not getting an adequate seal between the Mooncup® and the vaginal wall
  • wearing the wrong size Mooncup®

First, make sure that your Mooncup® menstrual cup is positioned as low as it will comfortably sit. There must be a gap between the rim of the Mooncup and the cervix.

Next, to try to improve the seal, you can

  • Tense around your Mooncup® with your vaginal muscles a few times
  • Run your finger along the rim of the cup when inserted, checking that it’s fully open
  • Twist the Mooncup® a few times
  • Experiment with different folding methods

If you’ve tried these suggestions and are still getting leakage, please contact us and we will help you find a solution.

First, make sure that your Mooncup® is positioned as low as it will comfortably sit. To read more about where the Mooncup® menstrual cup should sit.

Try improving the seal by:

• Tensing around your Mooncup® with your vaginal muscles a few times
• Running your finger along the rim when inserted, checking that it’s fully open
• Twisting the Mooncup® a few times
• Experimenting with folding methods

If you have tried following these tips and are still having problems, please contact us.

If you’re having difficulty removing your Mooncup® menstrual cup try not to worry; the Mooncup® cannot get lost inside your body. Below we have included some tips and techniques that can help.

If you’re experiencing pain, your Mooncup® has been in for longer than 8 hours or you’re feeling unwell, we would recommend you seek medical advice.

Tips and techniques

Try to relax.

If you’re struggling to remove your Mooncup® menstrual cup the most important thing is to take your time and relax your pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are particularly sensitive to stress and can tense up around the Mooncup® and make it harder to remove.

The pelvic floor muscles surround the vagina and other pelvic organs. If you are unsure where this is, think of the muscles you would use if you were trying to stop yourself passing urine (weeing) or opening your bowels (pooing).

If you’re having difficulty removing your Mooncup®, try using a relaxation technique that you find effective (such as having a bath or a warm drink); this can help your pelvic floor muscles to relax and can make removing your Mooncup® menstrual cup easier.

Wash your hands

Remember to wash your hands with soap and water before attempting to remove your Mooncup®.

Get into a good position

Find a position that is comfortable and that you can stay in for a while. If you’re worried about mess you can try to remove the Mooncup® in the bath or shower or use a towel underneath you. You could try:

  • Squatting – this makes the vaginal canal shorter so is an excellent position for removal
  • Sitting on the toilet with your legs apart
  • Or find another position that’s comfortable for you

If you can’t reach the Mooncup®

  • Do a series of small, downward pushes with your vaginal muscles – lots of small pushes are better than several big ones
  • Helpful Tip: Remember to keep breathing! It’s important not to hold your breath if you are pushing with your vaginal/ pelvic floor muscles, so try to breathe out each time. There is evidence to show that breathing out with every push helps to decrease downward pressure and reduce strain on the pelvic floor
  • It may feel like the Mooncup® is moving back up slightly after each push – don’t worry, this is normal
  • These pushes should help bring the Mooncup® low enough down for you to reach the base of the cup or the stem; if so, release the seal and remove the cup

Please Note: We do not recommend regularly pushing down using your vaginal muscles as a method of removal. If you feel that you are regularly needing to do this to assist with removal of the Mooncup® please get in touch with our Advice Team.

Release the seal

It is important to release the seal before removing the Mooncup® menstrual cup .

To release the seal either:

  • Insert your index finger and thumb and pinch (squeeze) the base of your Mooncup® to release the seal
  • Or, insert your index finger alongside the cup and push the side of the cup away from the vaginal wall. If you’re able to, try hooking a finger over the rim of the Mooncup® to help bring it down

When you’ve released the seal:

  • Keeping the seal released, bring the Mooncup® down towards the entrance of the vagina and remove it. If you’re finding it uncomfortable to remove the rim at the top of the cup, you may find it easier to fold the Mooncup® to allow it to come out of the vaginal opening more easily.

If you start to feel tense and your Mooncup® menstrual cup has been in for less than 8 hours, you may wish to take a break and try to remove your Mooncup® again when you’re feeling more relaxed.

If you have tried these tips and you still cannot remove your Mooncup®, then we would recommend you seek medical advice.

It’s normal to get some staining on your Mooncup® menstrual cup over time – as long as you’re following the instructions above, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t clean. However, if you want to get rid of stains, you can:

  • Soak your Mooncup in sterilising solution or tablets, following the manufacturer’s guidelines for dilution and soaking for the minimum time; or
  • Use bicarbonate of soda. Get a clean, damp cloth or a toothbrush with plenty of bicarb and rub it onto the stained area.

Once you have cleaned your Mooncup® in this way, rinse it thoroughly with clean water.

Your Mooncup® shouldn’t normally have a strong odour. The most common reasons for the Mooncup® developing an odour are:

  • Leaving the Mooncup® in a lot longer than the advised 4 to 8 hours; or
  • Boiling the Mooncup in a saucepan that may have had traces of food left on the surface.

If this is not the case, you may have a non-serious vaginal infection that should be checked out by your doctor or nurse.


To remove the odour:

  1. Soak your Mooncup® in a small container of sterilising solution such as that used for sterilising baby bottle teats diluted to the manufacturer’s guidelines for the minimum recommended time (usually 15 minutes).
  2. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Mooncup Medical & Health Queries

If you have or suspect you have a gynaecological condition, please consult your medical professional before use.

We do not advise that you use your Mooncup® menstrual cup during a Candida (thrush) infection, or while you’re being treated. You can start to use your Mooncup again once all treatment is completed and you are clear of symptoms.

Before you use your Mooncup® again, make sure you thoroughly clean it by soaking it in a sterilising solution. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for dilution, and soak for the minimum recommended time, then rinse thoroughly with clean water.

It is important to always ensure that the Mooncup® is free from any cleaning product or soap residue before you insert it, as traces of these left on the Mooncup® may trigger an imbalance of the vaginal flora or change the Ph level of your vagina.

Rinse your Mooncup® thoroughly under water after cleaning, and if you need to use soap, use simple, non-perfumed soaps.

If you have a retroverted uterus it is usually fine to use a Mooncup® menstrual cup. You may need to use a pad at first, while you find the best position for you to collect the blood.

There are a small number of individuals who have a retroverted uterus for whom the Mooncup® will not work, so please keep in touch and let us know how you get on.


A retroverted uterus – also known as a tilted uterus, or a tipped uterus – is one that tips backwards towards the rectum instead of forwards towards the bladder.

If you have endometriosis, we recommend – as we would for any gynaecological condition – that you check with your doctor or gynaecologist before buying a Mooncup®  menstrual cup to see if it is suitable for you.

That said, we have had positive feedback from some Mooncup®  users living with endometriosis, mainly because the Mooncup® holds more than a tampon so you don’t need to empty it as often as you would change a tampon. It also collects your menstrual blood, fluid and any clots, unlike a tampon which absorbs.

You can use the Mooncup®  to roughly measure your blood loss too. This can be useful information to share with your gynaecologist. Please contact us if you would like one of our usage guides to take to your appointment.

No, the Mooncup® menstrual cup will not give you thrush.

We often hear from Mooncup® users who previously suffered with thrush when they used tampons. This may be because tampons not only absorb menstrual fluid but the protective secretions that may prevent thrush and other infections, too. These secretions help to maintain the correct pH balance of the vagina.

The Mooncup® will not interfere with these protective vaginal secretions, and it will not absorb them either, helping your vagina to stay healthy while you’re on your period.

It is important to rinse your Mooncup® with plenty of water if you use soap to clean it, as traces of these left on the Mooncup® may trigger an imbalance of the vaginal flora or change the pH level of your vagina.

It is not recommended to use internal protection such as the Mooncup®  for the first six weeks after giving birth.

This is because of the greater risk of infection at this time.

We suggest you use external protection (such as washable pads) for post-birth bleeding.

The Mooncup® menstrual cup is latex-free so it is safe to use if you have a latex allergy.

The Mooncup® is made from soft, medical grade silicone, is hypoallergenic and contains no BPA, bleaches, phthalates, plastic, or toxins.

The hymen is a thin membrane which in some cases can partially cover the opening to the vagina.

If you have strong personal or cultural feelings about the hymen, we would not advise that you use any internal sanitary protection as, although you can use a menstrual cup with a hymen, inserting it may stretch or tear it.

The severity of this condition varies, so if you have a prolapse we would advise  you to discuss with your doctor or gynaecologist whether the Mooncup® is going to be suitable for you. 

We can send you a copy of our usage guide to take to your appointment – just contact us.


A prolapse is when one or more of the pelvic organs (for example the bowel or bladder) has slipped down and put pressure on the wall of the vagina, changing the internal shape of the vagina.

This is due to weaknesses in the pelvic floor muscles which surround and support the vagina and the other organs within the pelvis (you can read more on

Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) affects both men and women. TSS has been associated with individuals who have recently had surgery, soft tissue and bone infections, and insect bites, as well as people who have menstruated, used intra-uterine contraceptive devices, and used intra-vaginal contraceptive devices, menstrual cups and tampons.

Toxic Shock Syndrome is a rare though serious and sometimes fatal disease. If you experience the TSS symptoms below while using the Mooncup® menstrual cup, take it out and seek medical advice immediately.

We recommend you follow these steps to reduce your risk of developing TSS:

  • Do not use any internal vaginal devices, including the Mooncup®, if you have been previously diagnosed with TSS
  • Clean your Mooncup® thoroughly before using it for the first time and between periods, as described in the Usage Guide.
  • Remove, wash and reinsert your Mooncup® at least every 4-8 hours during your period. This means that you will need to do this at least 3 times in 24 hours
  • Wash your hands before and after handling your Mooncup®


TSS symptoms often mimic flu and can include:

  • sudden high fever
  • vomiting
  • diarrhoea
  • dizziness
  • fainting
  • rash rather like sunburn during your period or some days after

The Mooncup® menstrual cup can be a reliable form of protection as you lead up to the menopause. Your periods may become heavier or lighter and you can use the Mooncup® in both situations, so you won’t need a whole range of disposable products. It’s worth remembering that the Mooncup® pays for itself after 6-8 months – making it a worthwhile investment even in the later stages of your menstruating years.

As you only need one Mooncup®, you can always have it at hand, no matter how unpredictable your period may become.

The measurement markings can also help you to monitor the changes in your flow, too.

The Mooncup® is not designed to be worn over, or in contact with, the cervix. It’s been designed to be worn as low in the vagina as it can comfortably sit, with a clear space between the cup and the cervix. It is then kept in place by the pelvic floor muscles and a seal that forms between the cup rim and the vaginal wall. 

It is important to purchase the right sized cup to suit your cervix height (yep, we’ve all got different heights!) Knowing your cervical height isn’t something that’s routinely taught in schools but we have a guide all about how to measure it. Once you know whether you have a low, medium or high cervix height, you can make a more informed decision on which Mooncup®  is right for you and better understand more things about your body like ovulation & fertility. 

If you’ve got the right sized cup in the right place, you should experience no discomfort. Read our blog on why your cup might be hurting you.

Checking the height of your cervix is crucial when it comes to choosing the right period cup. It can also help you to monitor your ovulation, fertility and sexual health. We advise aiming to check it several times a week over a month to get a good idea of the general height of your cervix as it does tend to change depending on where you are in your cycle. For example, when you're ovulating your cervix will be higher than normal and when you’re menstruating your cervix will be lower. We recommend doing this during a shower or bath, so you’re relaxed and in a clean environment. 

  1. Wash your hands and get in a comfortable position. Some people find it easier to squat or pop a leg up on the bathtub.
  2. Insert your index finger into your vagina in an upwards direction towards your cervix - this will feel similar to the tip of your nose. 
  3. Note the position to which your finger is able to reach and the ‘knuckle rule’ to determine your overall cervical position.

The Knuckle Rule

  • A low cervix will measure up the first finger joint.
  • A medium cervix will measure up to the middle finger joint (roughly halfway up your finger)
  • A high cervix will allow you to insert your finger all the way in before you reach your cervix.

When the cervix sits low, the length of the vagina is shortened. For the Mooncup® to be worn comfortably, safely and effectively there needs to be a clear space between the top rim of the Mooncup® and the cervix. The Mooncup® is not designed to be worn over, or in contact with, the cervix.

If you have a Mooncup® Original, you could shorten the stem slightly further by trimming into the base of the cup itself. This should be done just above the first line at the bottom of the cup where the material feels thickest. Doing this only makes the Mooncup® millimetres shorter but some users do find it makes a significant difference.

We know that there are Mooncup® users who are happily using their Mooncup® alongside an IUD/IUS (coil), however there have been some instances where an IUD/IUS has become dislodged when using the devices together. This may be due to anatomical factors (e.g. a low cervix), usage issues (e.g. wearing the Mooncup® too high) or simply that the IUD/IUS has been naturally rejected by the body. One in twenty IUD/IUS will be expelled, most commonly, in the first 3 months after the device has been inserted. These expulsions happen most frequently during menstruation.

If you are using the Mooncup® menstrual cup alongside an IUD/IUS, check you can still feel the IUD/IUS strings after each period. If you cannot feel them or think that your IUD/IUS has moved or is causing/has caused you pain, use another form of contraception such as a condom until you have had your IUD/IUS checked by a doctor or medical professional.

If you are thinking about using the Mooncup® menstrual cup alongside an IUD/IUS, consult your doctor, IUD/ IUS fitter, or gynaecologist first. 

If you would like to take a Mooncup® usage guide to your consultation please contact us.

Please also consider the following information:

  • There should always be a space between the Mooncup® and the cervix. If you have a low sitting cervix there may not be enough room for the Mooncup® to sit safely and work effectively alongside your IUD/IUS.
  • The Mooncup® is designed to be worn as low as it will comfortably sit in the vagina and form a light seal with the walls of the vagina.
  • It is important to release the seal before removing the Mooncup®.

It is possible to use the Mooncup® menstrual cup during your Nuvaring-free week.

However, if your period continues after the ring-free seven days, we do not recommend you continue to use the Mooncup® alongside your Nuvaring, as the two devices may interact with each other.

This could compromise your contraceptive status.

Yes, the Mooncup® can work very well for heavy periods (or menorrhagia) because it collects up to three times more menstrual blood than a regular tampon.

This means that you may not need to empty and reinsert the Mooncup® menstrual cup as often as you would have to change a tampon or pad.

If you are concerned that your periods are too heavy then you should talk about this with your doctor or gynaecologist. Remember that the markings on the Mooncup® can be used to roughly monitor your flow, which may be helpful information to share at your appointment.

Yes, the Mooncup® is made from medical-grade silicone which is hypoallergenic and gynaecologically approved to be suitable for sensitive skin. This is perfect for anyone who is prone to eczema or similar conditions as the wetness of absorbing blood can cause irritation.

Mooncup Returns, Refunds & Satisfaction Guarantee

Our Mooncup Satisfaction Guarantee is offered after 90 days of use. The satisfaction guarantee cannot be claimed before the 90 days have passed since your order or purchase date. You can claim your money back or alternative size for up to six months post-purchase. The satisfaction guarantee can only be claimed once per customer.

The satisfaction guarantee only applies to Mooncup Beginner and Mooncup Original menstrual cups bought online or in stores, excluding Amazon and, who handle their own return and refund processes.

No problem! We just need proof of purchase, like an order confirmation email, this must include a date and order number from an authorised retailer.

Due to the intimate nature of the product, we can’t offer returns and ask that you don’t send your Mooncup® back to us. If after 3 months of trying your Mooncup you’re not getting on with it, you can contact us about claiming your Satisfaction Guarantee. Our team will be happy to help you further either claim or if you’re based in the UK swap Mooncup sizes.

The Mooncup is designed to be held in position low in the vagina by the muscles of the pelvic floor - this is why our sizing guidelines are based on age and childbearing history, as these are both factors that can affect pelvic floor tone. The reason we recommend sizing up at the age of 30 relates to the tone of our pelvic floor muscles commonly decreasing as we get old, or following pregnancy and birth. 

We aim to reflect these changes through our sizing guidelines, however, the key thing is that these changes are of course very individual and we recognise that everyone is different.

If you think you’ve got the wrong size Mooncup, please contact our team and they’ll be happy to help resolve this for you.

Unfortunately, we’re unable to amend or cancel orders once they have been placed. Please ensure you consult our size guide before completing your order. If you need help regarding Mooncup size, please do get in touch with us.

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