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3 incredible moments from Global Climate Strike 2019

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3 incredible moments from Global Climate Strike 2019


If you’re anything like the 1 billion Instagram users who took to social media last week, you’ve probably stumbled across images of the 2019 Global Climate Strike somewhere on your feed. In a record-breaking effort to raise awareness and strike for climate action, millions of people joined forces across time zones, languages and cultures to fight for one common cause saving our planet.

#globalclimatestrike’s most Instagrammable moments

Here at Mooncup HQ, we applaud every earth-saving effort made last week, whether you attended a march or sipped your morning coffee from a reusable cup in solidarity. And while each of those moments is Instagram-worthy, the following are truly worthy…

  • 7.6 million people unite across the globe

Does 7.6 million sound like a big number to you? That’s because it is the 2019 Global Climate Strike wasn’t just the most successful Global Climate Strike, it was the biggest climate mobilisation in history. Over just a week, 7.6 million people across 185 countries joined hands and voices to pressure lawmakers, raise climate change awareness and protect our earth before it’s too late.

  • The young are leading the Global Climate Strike movement

From protesting gun violence raising climate change awareness, young people have taken centre stage as of late, and the Global Climate Strike was no exception. Young people – high school students and toddlers alike – could be seen carrying protest signs and crying out for radical policy change last week, grabbing the attention of French president Emmanuel Macron who said, “Each week for months and months now we’ve had young people speak. I think they’ve identified an absolute urgency that we have to respond to here.” We couldn’t agree more.

  • Greta Thunberg inspires people of all ages

By now, Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg has probably stolen your heart and inspired you to take action against climate change. Despite her young age, she’s pleaded with politicians at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, set off across the ocean in a zero emissions boat, and inspired young people and adults to make eco-friendly lifestyle changes in what the media call a “Greta Thunberg effect”.

Last week, Thunberg sat down with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and explained that her message is simple: “Just listen and act on the current best available science.” This may sound simple enough, but many lawmakers and world leaders still have some serious work to do.

Life after the Global Climate Strike

While this year’s Global Climate Strike may have come to a close, this can be just the beginning of your sustainable living journey. It’s easy to feel small when the world is so big, but even little changes to your daily routine can make a difference. Some of our favourite ways to live an earth-friendly lifestyle include campaigning for change at the local level, eliminating or reducing meat from our diet, avoiding air travel and using eco-friendly period products.


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