Here's the uncomfortable question we're tackling today—can period pads cause urinary tract infections (UTIs)? The short answer? Not directly. But before you breathe a sigh of relief, there’s a lot more to unpack. There's a lot of misinformation floating around about period products and UTIs, and it’s time to separate the myths from the facts.
Spoiler alert: your choice of sanitary pads can contribute to irritation and discomfort, which might pave the way for certain infections. Here’s what you really need to know.
First things first, sanitary pads don’t cause UTIs on their own. UTIs happen when bacteria (most commonly E. coli) enter the urethra and cause an infection. However, your pad habits could create the perfect conditions for bacteria to thrive.
The good news? You have the power to make simple changes that will help keep infections at bay.
Never wear a pad for longer than 4–6 hours, even on lighter flow days. This limits moisture buildup and reduces bacterial growth.
Swap your synthetic pads for organic cotton ones. Unlike conventional pads with plastic liners and chemical additives, organic cotton pads are breathable, chemical-free, and gentle on your skin (and your vulva will thank you).
Always wash your hands before changing your pad. At the very least, ensure you’re using fresh pads and keeping the area clean and dry.
Organic cotton knickers are not just comfy—they’re fantastic for breathability. Pairing organic cotton pads with organic cotton undies is a winning combo for keeping things fresh.
If your pads smell like they belong in a fancy candle shop, you’re doing it wrong. Scented pads are often packed with fragrances that can be irritating, causing itching, redness, and in some cases, infections.
Here’s the not-so-glamorous truth many brands won’t tell you. Most mainstream sanitary pads are loaded with plastics, artificial fragrances, bleach, and synthetic fibres. These irritants can disrupt your natural balance, leading to bacterial overgrowth, skin irritation, and even yeast infections.
It’s time to ditch the plastic and harsh chemicals because, honestly, your vulva deserves better. Organic cotton pads are free from irritants and allow your skin to breathe properly, reducing the chances of irritation and damp discomfort.
No, sanitary pads themselves don’t directly cause UTIs, but the wrong pads (and poor hygiene) can make you more vulnerable. It’s simple—if you’re living with plastic-lined, chemical-packed pads, it’s time to make the switch.
Take care of your body and prioritise products made with healthy, natural ingredients. Want to give your vulva a break from irritants? Try organic cotton pads that are free from plastic and chemicals. Your vagina will thank you—and so will your confidence.
Make the switch to organic cotton period care today. No plastic. No irritants. No nonsense. It's time to experience the difference and leave irritation (and, hopefully, UTIs!) in the dust.